Generating Program Source Language statements appear here Compiling Program Source EMPLOYEE.CLA 149k Available memory pLoading Compiler Employee Phone Directory 9/13/89 Show People By Name Show People By Dept Print People By Name Print People By Dept The CLARION Personal Developer ASSETS - Home Inventory - Club Membership Roster LIBRARY - Books, Video Tapes, and Music MEMOS - Interoffice Memo Writer ORDER - Order Entry System PHONES - Personal Telephone Directory TEACHER - Grading and Class Organization TRACKING - Sales Tracking QDesign New Application :Run Modify Create Options Import/Export Tutorial Update People NAME: EXT :<<# DEPT: BLDG: ! Report Header A Page Header Print People By Name nNAME EXT DEPT xPEO:NAME Group Header E Body <<# "PEO:NAME Group Footer A Grand Totals A Page Footer tPAGE <<# Body 1:1 -LIN OVR CAP NUM SCR ! Report Header A Page Header Print People By Dept lNAME EXT DEPT xPEO:DEPT Group Header E Body <<# "PEO:DEPT Group Footer A Grand Totals A Page Footer vPAGE <<# Body 1:1 -LIN OVR CAP NUM SCR Application: EMPLOYEE Files Procedures MEMORY MAIN_MENU (Menu) - Main Menu PEOPLE SHO_NAME (Table) - Show People By Name UPD_PEOPLE (Form) - Update People SHO_DEPT (Table) - Show People By Dept UPD_PEOPLE (Form) - Update People RPT_NAME (Report) - Print People By Name RPT_DEPT (Report) - Print People By Dept RETURN Ins to Add Enter to Change Del to Delete The CLARION Personal Developer ASSETS - Home Inventory - Club Membership Roster EMPLOYEE - Employee Phone Directory LIBRARY - Books, Video Tapes, and Music MEMOS - Interoffice Memo Writer ORDER - Order Entry System PHONES - Personal Telephone Directory TEACHER - Grading and Class Organization TRACKING - Sales Tracking QRun Selected Application 8Run Modify Create Options Import/Export Tutorial Use Quick Start?:Yes Yes No Quick Start Application: Description: Filename Fields Type Picture Character Numeric Yes - Unique Yes - Non-Unique Total Digits : 0 Decimal Digits: Picture Subtotal Field:No Yes No Total Field Yes No Ready:Yes Yes No Employee Phone Directory mm/dd/yy Show People By Name Show People By Dept Print People By Name Print People By Dept Show People By Name LOCATE: <<# Ins to Add Enter to Change Del to Delete Ctrl-Esc to Exit Show People By Dept "<<#" is a representation of how a @n3 picture will appear on a screen or a report. "<" symbolizes a numeric digit with leading zeros blanked. "#" symbolizes a numeric digit with zero displayed. Personal Developer provides two methods of creating applications: the Quick Start method and the Custom method. This tutorial will show you how to use Quick Start. The steps in this tutorial match closely the tutorial you will find in Chapter Two of your user's manual. Quick Start is a fast way to create a simple application. In only a few minutes you can create a complete running application. In some cases, Quick Start will be all that you need to accomplish your goals. Or, you can use Quick Start to get started quickly, then expand your application using the Custom method. The "Picture area" is where we define the way this field is to appear. In the case of a character field, all we need to specify is the number of characters (or field "length"). In our example, we want the NAME field to be 20 characters in length. So here we type "20" and then press Enter. Next, the Key Selection window appears. Our application requires that the NAME field be a key for the PEOPLE file, and in this case, we would like to be sure that no employee appears in the file more than once. Therefore, we must define the NAME field to be a "unique" key. We use Cursor down to select "Yes - Unique" and then press Enter. Now that we've completed defining the NAME field, let's define the EXT field. We begin by typing the name of the field, "EXT", and then pressing Enter. Once again, the Field-type Selection window appears. We would like the EXT field to be "Numeric". A numeric field is made up exclusively of numeric digits ("0" through "9"). A numeric field can contain up to fifteen digits. We use the Cursor down key to select "Numeric" and then press Enter. Since we chose "Numeric" as the type for the EXT field, the Numeric Picture window appears. At the "Total Digits:" line we specify the total number of digits (up to 15) the EXT field is allowed to have. Since our phone extensions have 3 digits, we type 3 and press Enter. The "Decimal Digits:" line is where we can specify how many digits are to the right of the decimal point in our number. (Money numbers usually have 2 decimal digits.) Our phone extension has no decimal digits, so here we simply press Enter and bypass this line. The "Picture:" line allows us additional control over how our number is to look when it appears on a screen or in a report. The symbol "@n3" is a "picture token". Picture tokens describe how a number is to be "formatted". The "@" simply begins the picture. The "n" means that this is a numeric picture. The "3" means that there are three numeric positions. The number will be "justified" to the right, and leading zeros will show as spaces. The number "2" will be formatted by the "@n3" picture to appear as " 2" (space space 2). We will press Enter to accept this default picture. The "Subtotal Field:" line and the "Total Field:" line are used to specify that a field is to be totalled in printed reports. In our example, phone extensions would not need to be totalled, so we will answer "No" to both lines. We simply press Enter twice and complete the Numeric Picture window. Once again, we see the Key Selection window. In our example, we choose not to make EXT a key (we can always change it to be a key later), so we press Enter to select "No". Next, we'll define the DEPT field. We type 'DEPT' and then press Enter. We are going to show you how to create a simple program: an employee phone directory which we will call EMPLOYEE. The EMPLOYEE application will build and maintain a data file called PEOPLE. The application will contain six procedures: a menu, two tables, a form, and two reports. We begin the Quick Start process by pressing Enter at the [Create] option on Personal Developer's Base window. DEPT, the employee's department, is a character field, so we press Enter to select "Character". For our purposes in this example, ten characters should be a sufficient length for the DEPT field. The Key Selection window appears. Since we want to create a table that displays a roster of each department, the DEPT field will be a key. So, using the Cursor down key to select "Yes - Non-Unique" to make the DEPT field a key field. We make this key "non-unique" because more than one record will have the same department. Now, finally, we create the BLDG field (the building in which the employee works). We type 'BLDG' and then press Enter. BLDG is a character field, so we press Enter to select 'Character'. Ten characters should be an adequate length for the BLDG field. We type '10' and press Enter. At this time our needs do not require ordering the employees by the building in which they work, so we will not designate BLDG as a key. We select "No" by pressing Enter. At this point we have now defined all of the fields for the PEOPLE file and we have indicated which fields are to be keys. We inform Personal Developer that we are through defining keys by pressing Enter on a blank Fields line. The Ready window appears. Personal Developer wants to know if we are ready to create this application. We are, so we select "Yes" by pressing Enter. After generating the basic design of our program, the Application Summary window appears and displays a schematic of the files and procedures. When you select the Create option, the Quick Start option window appears and asks you if you want to use Quick Start. To bypass Quick Start, press the Right arrow key to select [No], and then press Enter. To choose Quick Start, press Enter with [Yes] selected. The program begins with MAIN_MENU, a menu procedure that is also the "base procedure". MAIN_MENU will offer a choice of five menu items. Each menu item correlates to a procedure that will be called if that item is picked. SHO_NAME and SHO_DEPT are table procedures. RPT_NAME and RPT_DEPT are report procedures. RETURN will end the program. Both SHO_NAME and SHO_DEPT name UPD_PEOPLE as an "update procedure". The tables provide two ways of locating employees. SHO_NAME displays a scrolling list of employees in name order. SHO_DEPT displays a similar list in department sequence. UPD_PEOPLE is a form procedure used to add, revise, or delete employee records and it can be called from either table. We are now in the "Modify" option of Personal Developer. We could make changes or enhancements to our basic design. To go with what we have, the next step is to actually generate the application from the basic design. To perform this step, we must first leave Modify and return to the Base window of Personal. We do this by pressing [Ctrl-Enter]. Hold down the [Ctrl] key and press [Enter]. We now see that our new application, EMPLOYEE, has joined the list of applications that are found in this directory. With the application selector on the EMPLOYEE line, and the option selector on "Run", we are ready to create our finished application by simply pressing Enter. First, Personal Developer generates Clarion language source statements for the application. Next, Personal Developer compiles the program statements into a file called "EMPLOYEE.RUN", the running version of our program. When the compiling step completes, Personal Developer runs the finished application. The creation/compilation steps will only occur when Personal Developer senses that you have worked on the design of your program using the Modify option. The first time you run the program, select "Show People by Name." The table will appear and then immediately the "Update People" form will appear. This is because the PEOPLE data file has no records as yet. The SHO_NAME table procedure senses this and automatically calls the update procedure UPD_PEOPLE in "add a record" mode. After entering a record, we see that the table now shows one employee. Pressing enter will select this employee. If we press the [Ins] key, the SHO_NAME procedure will again call the UPD_PEOPLE procedure in "Add a record" mode. In this manner, we can add data to our file. We can continue to enter records. This table shows the records ordered by name, so as each record is added it will appear in the table in its proper place. The blinking cursor on this screen is a "locator" field. A locator allows you to type the first few characters of a key field. As each letter is typed, the selector bar will position automatically on the nearest matching record. Just one more fantastic Personal Developer feature. The Quick Start window appears. This is where you will name your application and its filename, fields, and keys. We want to name this application EMPLOYEE, therefore, we type "EMPLOYEE" on the [Application:] line and then press Enter. You've just seen how fast and easy it is to create a running application using Quick Start. You will find this same tutorial in Chapter Two of your user's manual, along with additional information about "totals" and "subtotals". We encourage you to actually follow the steps described in this tutorial. Create your own running version of the EMPLOYEE application and then run the program. Add a number of records to the PEOPLE file. Revise and delete some records as well. If you have a printer, try printing the reports. If you feel ready, try adding something to the application using the Modify option. This completes the Quick Start tutorial. Notice that an extension of ".APP" is automatically supplied for you. The [Description:] line is an optional field for describing the application. Here we enter "Employee Phone Directory" and then press Enter. The [Filename:] line is used to name the data file to be used in the application. Using the Quick Start method, you can create one file per application. The file in our example is PEOPLE, so we simply type "PEOPLE" and press Enter. Using the Quick Start method, our data file can contain up to ten fields. (We can add additional fields later using the Custom Method if needed.) Note that a three-letter "prefix" has been attached to the beginning of each field name that will be defined. The prefix is the first three letters of the filename. Prefixes help identify the file that the field belongs to. For the EMPLOYEE application, we will create four fields: the NAME field, the EXT field (phone extension), the DEPT field, and the BLDG field (building). First we type "NAME" in the [Fields] area and then press Enter. Next, the Field-type Selection window appears. This is where we will define the type of the field that we just named. A "Character" type field is an item of data comprised of a sequence of characters (letters, numbers, spaces, etc.). We want NAME to be a character field, so we press Enter. Show People By Name LOCATE: Ins to Add Enter to Change Del to Delete Ctrl-Esc to Exit The CLARION Personal Developer Options Directory Name :C:\PCLARION\TUTOR\ Create Listings Yes No Set Keyboard Locks Yes No Enhanced Keyboard Yes No Set Quick Start Colors:No Yes No Display Description Yes No Display Sign-on Screen:No Yes No Press F1 for Help Update People Record will be Added NAME: EXT : 0 DEPT: BLDG: BLACK BLINK a COMPILER GRAY 2 LOADING MAIN_MEN QUICK1 QUICK10 } QUICK11 QUICK12 QUICK13 QUICK14 ' QUICK2 QUICK3 } QUICK4 . QUICK5 QUICK6 QUICK7 QUICK8 : QUICK9 k QUICK9A ># QUIK_17Aj# QUIK_W1 QUIK_W10 QUIK_W11N) QUIK_W12O+ QUIK_W13=, QUIK_W14 QUIK_W15 QUIK_W1611 QUIK_W17]4 QUIK_W18b6 QUIK_W19q7 QUIK_W2 QUIK_W20 QUIK_W21 QUIK_W22U; QUIK_W23R= QUIK_W24 QUIK_W25 QUIK_W26@? QUIK_W27H@ QUIK_W28 QUIK_W29|B QUIK_W3 [C QUIK_W30 QUIK_W31vH QUIK_W32 QUIK_W33 QUIK_W34 QUIK_W35BP QUIK_W36 QUIK_W37tR QUIK_W38NT QUIK_W39 QUIK_W4 0X QUIK_W40 QUIK_W5 QUIK_W6 t^ QUIK_W7 QUIK_W8 QUIK_W9 `c SHO_NAME TEMP >h UPD_PEOP